Reommended Monk Feats 5E
reommended monk feats 5e

Reommended Monk Feats 5E Free ASIs To

These monks can pull from air, fire, earth and water to cast these spells as they swiftly move through the battlefield. Posted: (3 days ago) Level 2: Sorcerer 1/Monk 1 With our 1 level in Sorcerer taken, we're now going to rush to monk 5 to get Extra Attack and Stunning Strike.A monk belonging to the Way of the Four Elements is a martial spellcaster in Dungeons and Dragons 5e. When building an aarakocra monk in DnD 5e, consider the following:D&D 5E - DPR Monk/Sorcerer build: The Shadow Kensei Top Online Courses From Courses. In general, if you want to grab a feat on a Monk, it’s best to either play a Variant Human (for the feat at 1st level), use a build that doesn’t depend so heavily on both stats (like an Astral Self. Feats are not an easy thing to choose for a Monk the dependency on both Dex and Wis leaves you with little free ASIs to pick up feats with.

reommended monk feats 5e

Let’s take a look at which monk build is best and how we can roleplay this wise and fierce bird character. Hopefully these hollow bones won’t snap as I create the ultimate martial arts aarakocra master. Therefore, it’s only natural to build a monk from this race, at least as far as the ability scores go. Choose Way of the Four Elements for ranged Elemental Disciplines.The bird-like aarakocra in Dungeons and Dragons 5e come with a +2 Dexterity/+1 Wisdom ability score modifier.

However, my martial arts skill enhances my damage output. Basic monk features: Martial Arts, Ki, Unarmored Defense…With my basic monk build, I have proficiency in simple weapons. Therefore, the monk’s Unarmored Movement and Unarmored Defense fit my flying needs while keeping me defended and maneuverable. If I want to fly, I can’t wear heavy or medium armor. In fact, I have 50 feet of flying speed, which is way faster than my walking speed—even with Unarmored Movement. Fortunately, the aarakocra gain a +2 Dexterity/+1 Wisdom ability score modifier, making them naturals for the monk class.Aarakocra come from the Elemental Plane of Air, which gives them Flight.

I can make an unarmed attack as a bonus action after an attack. I can use my Dexterity modifier for unarmed attacks. This should be at least 16 if I build my monk correctly. Also, I can throw a spear up to 20 feet without disadvantage and 60 feet with disadvantage.Along with my spear combat, I’ll gain Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts at level 1.Unarmored Defense adds my Dexterity and Wisdom modifiers together for my AC.

Patient Defense: As a bonus action, take the Dodge action. Flurry of Blows: Gain an additional unarmed attack. I gain an amount of Ki points per day equal to my monk level and can spend them for special effects.

Attack, Step of the Wind, fly away.In my early levels, I’ll keep my engagement light. Now, my ground speed is 35 feet while I’m not wearing armor or holding a shield. My jump distance is doubled for the turn.My other key ability at level 2 is Unarmed Movement, which increases my movement speed by 10 feet.

With this specialization, I’ll gain the ability to use Ki points for these spells. DnD 5e Guide to Druid Circle of StarsChoose Way of the Four Elements for ranged Elemental Disciplines.At level 3, I’ll choose Way of the Four Elements to give my monk ki-infused, elemental magic. Hopefully, my calculation pays off and I don’t get floored by my enemy’s final attack.Otherwise, I’ll poke and kick to add damage as needed. Then, I’ll fly into the air and reexamine my situation.If an enemy looks low in HP, I’ll move in with a Flurry of Blows, spending a Ki point for an extra unarmed attack. Therefore, I’ll use a Ki point for Step of the Wind after a spear attack, using my bonus action to Disengage. Let’s take a look at my options as the combat continues.If an enemy turns its aggression on me, I’ll need to make a quick exit without triggering an attack of opportunity.

reommended monk feats 5e

Plus, this early-level Elemental Discipline that doesn’t burn up all my Ki points.As I level to 6, 11 and 17, I’ll be able to add Elemental Disciplines to my repertoire. The reach this offers me gives me an opportunity to attack from the air. Therefore, I’ll realistically spend 2 Ki points per use. I can spend another Ki point to deal an additional 1d10 fire damage. Create a crude elemental object that can fit 1 cubic foot.Fangs of the Fire Snake uses 1 Ki point to extend unarmed strikes into 10 feet of fiery tendrils.

Deflect Missiles: Level 3—reduce damage from ranged shot equal to 1d10 + Dex mod + Monk level. Several abilities of note are: Remember higher-level monk abilities.As I level my elemental bird monk, I’ll gain a whole list of abilities from the basic monk class. Flames of the Phoenix gives me the fireball spell for 4 Ki points. However, my foe will have to fail a Strength saving throw. Fist of Unbroken air grants me 3d10 bludgeoning damage, pushes foes back 20 feet and knocks them prone for 2 Ki points.

Stunning Strike: Level 5—Spend 1 ki point to force opponent to make Constitution saving throw when I attack with melee weapon. Extra Attack: Gain an extra Attack on my turn. This could come in handy if I’m knocked out of the sky for some reason. Slow Fall: As a reaction, reduce fall damage equal to 5 times my monk level. I can throw this arrow with proficiency and counts as a monk weapon.

Plus, abilities like Sun of the Tongue and Moon leverage my Wisdom to understand any language. Evasion: Level 7—I can dodge out of area of effect abilities, taking 0 damage instead of half damage on successful saves.Later monk abilities like Purity of Body, Timeless Body and Empty Body all grant me enhanced physical traits and immunities. Ki-Empowered Strikes: Level 6—My unarmed strikes count as magical, allowing me to hit opponents with resistance or immunity to nonmagical attacks.

The fact that I can fly at all gives this character unique spaces to explore within the campaign. This love of the sky gives me rich material to build a backstory, along with combat abilities. In fact, the aarakocra literally see the sky as their home. This monk is wise and deeply connected to the sky.

reommended monk feats 5e